- VMの設定
vCPU * 2 ( vCPU * 1 だとインストールできなかった )
vDisk 15GB
memory 1024MB
余計なデバイス ( floppy etc ) はなし。
OS は other linux ( 64 bit )
- vmx に下記の2行を追加。
monitor_control.enable_svm = "true" <- AMD-VT の場合
monitor_control.restrict_backdoor = "true"
- Intel -VT の場合は、下記の2行を追加。
monitor_control.enable_vt32 = "true"
monitor_control.restrict_backdoor = "true"
自分のは AMD-VT なので、こんな感じの vmx ファイルになる。
-- start
.encoding = "Shift_JIS"
config.version = "8"
virtualHW.version = "7"
floppy0.present = "FALSE"
mks.enable3d = "TRUE"
pciBridge0.present = "TRUE"
pciBridge4.present = "TRUE"
pciBridge4.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort"
pciBridge4.functions = "8"
pciBridge5.present = "TRUE"
pciBridge5.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort"
pciBridge5.functions = "8"
pciBridge6.present = "TRUE"
pciBridge6.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort"
pciBridge6.functions = "8"
pciBridge7.present = "TRUE"
pciBridge7.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort"
pciBridge7.functions = "8"
vmci0.present = "TRUE"
nvram = "Xen_Server.nvram"
virtualHW.productCompatibility = "hosted"
ft.secondary0.enabled = "TRUE"
tools.upgrade.policy = "useGlobal"
powerType.powerOff = "soft"
powerType.powerOn = "hard"
powerType.suspend = "hard"
powerType.reset = "soft"
displayName = "Xen_Server"
extendedConfigFile = "Xen_Server.vmxf"
monitor_control.enable_svm = "true" <- 追加
monitor_control.restrict_backdoor = "true" <- 追加
numvcpus = "2"
scsi0.present = "TRUE"
scsi0.sharedBus = "none"
scsi0.virtualDev = "lsilogic"
memsize = "1024"
scsi0:0.present = "TRUE"
scsi0:0.fileName = "Xen_Server.vmdk"
scsi0:0.writeThrough = "TRUE"
ide1:0.present = "TRUE"
ide1:0.fileName = "G:\storage1\FREE_XenServer-5.5.0-linux-cd.iso"
ide1:0.deviceType = "cdrom-image"
ide1:0.allowGuestConnectionControl = "FALSE"
ethernet0.present = "TRUE"
ethernet0.allowGuestConnectionControl = "FALSE"
ethernet0.virtualDev = "e1000"
ethernet0.features = "1"
ethernet0.wakeOnPcktRcv = "FALSE"
ethernet0.networkName = "Bridged"
ethernet0.addressType = "generated"
guestOS = "otherlinux-64"
uuid.location = "56 4d 2b 1a 4e 99 0e ac-50 cd b7 c2 47 b0 27 67"
uuid.bios = "56 4d 2b 1a 4e 99 0e ac-50 cd b7 c2 47 b0 27 67"
vc.uuid = "52 68 65 97 86 50 25 e9-2a b2 12 43 07 f1 cc 97"
ethernet0.generatedAddress = "00:0c:29:b0:27:67"
tools.syncTime = "FALSE"
scsi0:0.redo = ""
vmotion.checkpointFBSize = "134217728"
pciBridge0.pciSlotNumber = "17"
pciBridge4.pciSlotNumber = "21"
pciBridge5.pciSlotNumber = "22"
pciBridge6.pciSlotNumber = "23"
pciBridge7.pciSlotNumber = "24"
scsi0.pciSlotNumber = "16"
ethernet0.pciSlotNumber = "32"
vmci0.pciSlotNumber = "33"
ethernet0.generatedAddressOffset = "0"
vmci0.id = "1202726759"
-- end
仮想マシンの作成、vmx を修正して、VM を Power on すれば、すんなりインストールできた。自分のは AMD-VT なので、こんな感じの vmx ファイルになる。
-- start
.encoding = "Shift_JIS"
config.version = "8"
virtualHW.version = "7"
floppy0.present = "FALSE"
mks.enable3d = "TRUE"
pciBridge0.present = "TRUE"
pciBridge4.present = "TRUE"
pciBridge4.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort"
pciBridge4.functions = "8"
pciBridge5.present = "TRUE"
pciBridge5.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort"
pciBridge5.functions = "8"
pciBridge6.present = "TRUE"
pciBridge6.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort"
pciBridge6.functions = "8"
pciBridge7.present = "TRUE"
pciBridge7.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort"
pciBridge7.functions = "8"
vmci0.present = "TRUE"
nvram = "Xen_Server.nvram"
virtualHW.productCompatibility = "hosted"
ft.secondary0.enabled = "TRUE"
tools.upgrade.policy = "useGlobal"
powerType.powerOff = "soft"
powerType.powerOn = "hard"
powerType.suspend = "hard"
powerType.reset = "soft"
displayName = "Xen_Server"
extendedConfigFile = "Xen_Server.vmxf"
monitor_control.enable_svm = "true" <- 追加
monitor_control.restrict_backdoor = "true" <- 追加
numvcpus = "2"
scsi0.present = "TRUE"
scsi0.sharedBus = "none"
scsi0.virtualDev = "lsilogic"
memsize = "1024"
scsi0:0.present = "TRUE"
scsi0:0.fileName = "Xen_Server.vmdk"
scsi0:0.writeThrough = "TRUE"
ide1:0.present = "TRUE"
ide1:0.fileName = "G:\storage1\FREE_XenServer-5.5.0-linux-cd.iso"
ide1:0.deviceType = "cdrom-image"
ide1:0.allowGuestConnectionControl = "FALSE"
ethernet0.present = "TRUE"
ethernet0.allowGuestConnectionControl = "FALSE"
ethernet0.virtualDev = "e1000"
ethernet0.features = "1"
ethernet0.wakeOnPcktRcv = "FALSE"
ethernet0.networkName = "Bridged"
ethernet0.addressType = "generated"
guestOS = "otherlinux-64"
uuid.location = "56 4d 2b 1a 4e 99 0e ac-50 cd b7 c2 47 b0 27 67"
uuid.bios = "56 4d 2b 1a 4e 99 0e ac-50 cd b7 c2 47 b0 27 67"
vc.uuid = "52 68 65 97 86 50 25 e9-2a b2 12 43 07 f1 cc 97"
ethernet0.generatedAddress = "00:0c:29:b0:27:67"
tools.syncTime = "FALSE"
scsi0:0.redo = ""
vmotion.checkpointFBSize = "134217728"
pciBridge0.pciSlotNumber = "17"
pciBridge4.pciSlotNumber = "21"
pciBridge5.pciSlotNumber = "22"
pciBridge6.pciSlotNumber = "23"
pciBridge7.pciSlotNumber = "24"
scsi0.pciSlotNumber = "16"
ethernet0.pciSlotNumber = "32"
vmci0.pciSlotNumber = "33"
ethernet0.generatedAddressOffset = "0"
vmci0.id = "1202726759"
-- end
CD-ROM を入れ替え、Linux pack をインストール中。
実際は、iso を使用してインストールしたので、途中で、仮想CD-ROMデバイスを disconnect , isoを linux pack iso に変更、connect した。
インストール完了して、Xen Server が起動しているところ。
Hyper visor の Xen 使ったの初めて。。。^^;
That's it :D
Pearl Jam 、ニューアルバムだすんだー。
youtube で先行シングルの the fixer 聞いたー。。今回もいい曲だ~。
fitght to get it back again , yhea *3 !
Pearl Jam rules !!! Viva PJ :D