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Linux : cpulimit command

What’s cpulimit

You can force a running process to limit CPU usage.

[ How to install cpulimit  ]

CentOS 5.5

There is no cpulimit package in yum repository.
download source code n’ compile.
# wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/cpulimit/files/cpulimit/cpulimit/cpulimit-1.1.tar.gz
[root@centos5-1 ~]# tar xzvf cpulimit-1.1.tar.gz

[root@centos5-1 ~]# cd cpulimit-1.1
[root@centos5-1 cpulimit-1.1]# ls
Makefile  cpulimit.c

[root@centos5-1 cpulimit-1.1]# make
gcc -o cpulimit cpulimit.c -lrt -Wall -O2

file name cpulimit is binary file you compiled.
[root@centos5-1 cpulimit-1.1]# cp cpulimit /usr/local/sbin/

Ubuntu 10.10

you can install it via apt-get
root@hat1:~# apt-get install cpulimit

[ Examples of usage ]

To limit CPU usage , at first you need to find a process ID or command name w/ ps aux , top etc.
[root@centos5-1 cpulimit-1.1]# cpulimit --verbose
Error: You must specify a target process
Usage: cpulimit TARGET [OPTIONS...]
  TARGET must be exactly one of these:
     -p, --pid=N        pid of the process
     -e, --exe=FILE     name of the executable program file
     -P, --path=PATH    absolute path name of the executable program file
     -l, --limit=N      percentage of cpu allowed from 0 to 100 (mandatory)
     -v, --verbose      show control statistics
     -z, --lazy         exit if there is no suitable target process, or if it dies
     -h, --help         display this help and exit

root@hat1:~# ps -C unbound
 PID TTY          TIME CMD
1571 ?        00:00:01 unbound

root@hat1:~# cpulimit --pid 1571 --limit 10
Process 1571 detected


root@hat1:~# cpulimit --exe unbound --limit 10
Process 1571 detected

display details
root@hat1:~# cpulimit --pid 1571 --limit 10 --verbose
Process 1571 detected

%CPU work quantum sleep quantum active rate
0.00% 100000 us     0 us 99.80%
0.00% 100000 us     0 us 99.80%
0.00% 100000 us     0 us 99.81%
0.00% 100000 us     0 us 99.80%

limit CPU usage of chrome browser by only 1% ,,, oh very slow..
root@hat1:~# cpulimit --exe chromium-browser --limit 1 --verbose
Process 2829 detected

%CPU work quantum sleep quantum active rate
1.11% 84803 us 15196 us 93.87%
5.53%  4244 us 95755 us 23.49%
2.21%  1082 us 98917 us 2.40%
2.21%  6587 us 93412 us 14.58%
3.32%  1384 us 98615 us 4.60%
2.21%   444 us 99555 us 0.98%
2.21%   233 us 99766 us 0.52%
7.75%  1477 us 98522 us 11.45%
2.21%   500 us 99499 us 1.11%
1.11%   415 us 99584 us 0.46%

cpulimit seems to limit CPU usage by SIGSTOP n’ SIGCONT

interesting tool :)

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