lost and found ( for me ? )

httpress : web stress tool

httpress is an web benchmark tool which supports multi threads, SSL.

# cat /etc/fedora-release ;uname -ri
Fedora release 19 (Schrödinger’s Cat)
3.11.1-200.fc19.x86_64 x86_64

error, no ev.h header file.
# unzip yarosla-httpress-d8c968cead5a.zip

# yum install libev-source libev-devel
# yum install -y gnutls

# make
gcc -c -o obj/Release/httpress.o httpress.c -pthread -Wno-strict-aliasing -O2 -s -DWITH_SSL
httpress.c:56:16: 致命的エラー: ev.h: そのようなファイルやディレクトリはありません
#include <ev.h>
make: *** [obj/Release/httpress.o] エラー 1

where is ev.h file?
# rpm -ql `rpm -qa | grep libev-source` | grep ev.h

add path
# export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/share/libev-source
# make
gcc -c -o obj/Release/httpress.o httpress.c -pthread -Wno-strict-aliasing -O2 -s -DWITH_SSL
gcc -o bin/Release/httpress obj/Release/httpress.o -lev -lpthread -lgnutls
# echo $?

# cd bin/Release/
[root@localhost Release]# pwd
[root@localhost Release]# ls
[root@localhost Release]# ./httpress --help
unkown option: --

httpress <options> <url>
 -n num   number of requests     (default: 1)
 -t num   number of threads      (default: 1)
 -c num   concurrent connections (default: 1)
 -k       keep alive             (default: no)
 -q       no progress indication (default: no)
 -z pri   GNUTLS cipher priority (default: NORMAL)
 -h       show this help

example: httpress -n 10000 -c 100 -t 4 -k http://localhost:8080/index.html

# ./httpress -n 1000 -c 100 -t 2 -k
250 requests launched
500 requests launched
750 requests launched
1000 requests launched
thread 2: 50 connect, 50 requests, 50 success, 0 fail, 230450 bytes, 15400 overhead
thread 1: 56 connect, 950 requests, 908 success, 42 fail, 4184972 bytes, 278500 overhead

TOTALS:  106 connect, 1000 requests, 958 success, 42 fail, 62 (12) real concurrency
TRAFFIC: 4609 avg bytes, 306 avg overhead, 4415422 bytes, 293900 overhead
TIMING:  0.114 seconds, 8361 rps, 40138 kbps, 12.0 ms avg req time

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